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Berkshire Hathaways Top 20 Holdings

Berkshire Hathaway's Top 20 Holdings

Market Value and Portfolio Representation

The Top-20 holdings of the Berkshire Hathaway portfolio represent a substantial 97.6% of its total value, amounting to 323.7 billion US dollars.

Quarterly Disclosure and Regulatory Compliance

Berkshire Hathaway is required to disclose its portfolio every quarter, providing detailed information on its purchases and sales within the United States.

Latest 13F Report and Warren Buffett's Holdings

As of May 15, 2024, the latest 13F report revealed that Warren Buffett holds 45 stocks for Berkshire Hathaway's portfolio, with a combined value of 371 billion US dollars.

Tracking Berkshire Hathaway's Holdings

Investors and analysts can follow Berkshire Hathaway's Top-20 holdings by utilizing curated resources, such as the one provided by Yahoo Finance, to track the performance and movements of these stocks.
